Kamryn Hollowell
Miss North Carolina's Teen 2024
On June 29, 2024, Kamryn Hollowell was crowned the 20th Miss North Carolina’s Teen by Miss North Carolina’s Teen 2023, Annika Schneider. Hollowell, who has been involved in the Miss America Opportunity since she was 8 years old, will later go on to compete for the title of Miss America’s Teen 2025.
When Kamryn was 9 years old, she decided to start advocating for IBD in support of her mother, who had been diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis. Kamryn had seen the numerous doctor and hospital visits that accompanied this diagnosis, and knew she had to find ways to lessen the impact on other families. Since then, Hollowell has raised funds and increased awareness through her Project Purple Community Service Initiative. She has been able to partner with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation – Carolinas Chapter and the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation – Greater San Diego & Desert Area Chapter, raise over $5,000 for further research and treatment of IBD, speak with legislators on Capitol Hill on multiple trips, and spoken with North Carolina Representatives about her strategy.
Follow her journey by liking the MNCTeen Organization and Miss North Carolina’s Teen Facebook pages and following her Instagram account, @missamericasteennc! Also, be sure to subscribe to the new YouTube channel at youtube.com/@missamericasteenNC.